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#11Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:27 am


Just like Keoni assumed... a beautiful woman. Of course, for her health, she might what to go to a dietian. She was beautiful though, a stunning woman with a melodic voice. "Hello, ma'am~" Keoni greeted with that smile. He brought the wine glass back to his nose. Did he seriously smell berry? Maybe the wine was actually sparkling juice? Deciding a tiny sip could only satisfy his curiosity, he brought the glass to his lips and took a sip.

As the woman began blabbing her concern with simple prates, Keoni took in his surroundings. What a grandiose room... He would never hear the end of this. Coby..? Keoni hissed in his mind. Who the heck did this young woman think she was to call Cobalt by such a "fluffy" nickname? She was nobody! If she was someone to Cobalt, she would be working for him... for free! Rage blazed in Keoni's eyes. "My Cobalt sent me here... ma'am." Keoni said in a crass mockery of a friendly tone. This woman... Did she think she deserved Cobalt? No... Keoni deserved Cobalt; he had earned him!

Taking a deep breath in a useless attempt to calm himself down, Keoni reached for his own cell phone. "I work for my Cobalt and he sent me here. So... let's get down to business, okay~?" Keoni questioned with a twitching smile. Those pillows... That overpowering perfume... Those blazing candles... Had this woman planned to do something indecent with Keoni's Cobalt? How was he suppose to get through this meeting without a tantrum?

#12Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:03 am


"Oh! I see, Mr. Baltic must be so busy. Oh, my lovely Coby. So you are just one of his subordinates? I understand." She would say, happily. She was so strangely happy. She didn't even realize Keoni's friendly-yet-unfriendly tone as she started laughing light heartedly. She put a hand to her heart, pleased.

"Please, would you take a seat? Are you hungry?" She asked, wanting to make this worker of Cobalt very comfortable. Were it anyone else she wouldn't have been so hospitable, but this was an associate of Cobalt. Unfortunately for Keoni, she didn't think he was anything more than someone that Cobalt would eventually fire and dispose of. Someone unimportant to Cobalt. Which, she believed she absolutely was not.

"My name is Alessandra Einheria and I am apart of Cobalt's research and development team on project G.O.L.D. I have the necessary code that he was looking for, but, well, I think I am missing a number," She said, grabbing for the briefcase that was at her side. She opened it and laid it flat on the fancy table.

Her eyes seemed to sparkle as a childlike smile spread across her fast. She was completely drawn in by whatever was in this briefcase. Opening it, she revealed a stack of papers, a few pens, and some black rock. She went through the papers, which were connected like an old-fashioned spreadsheet paper. She went from page to page. "Oh. Here it is. It was this single paradigm. Coby must have sent you here to uncover the final number! The finale!" She was pumped. Her words were full of enthusiastic energy to the point that she was borderline jumping up and down. She looked at Keoni with an intense, focused glare that he could easily feel uncomfortable by her unwavering gaze.

She showed Keoni the paper, ripping it from the rest.
She would lay the paper down flat on the table and grab one of the pens in the briefcase and circle them.

27°[blank]′16″, 86°[blank]′40″.
Have you seen them? Do you notice anything special about them? She had a large, borderline deranged smile on her face. She was very excited about her work, to the point that she couldn't contain herself before a clue. She was tapping her feet, not blinking, and holding her breath as Keoni looked them over.

#13Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:28 am


A low emitted from Keoni's voice and reverberated throughout the air. "I'm sorry, ma'am." Keoni started... his tone an early caveat. "But I think you are confused. Cobalt is mine." That warning voice had transmuted into something friendlier, as if Keoni knew that this someone would know understand that Cobalt was solely his. That circus performer only belonged to Keoni. "I care much more for him then you ever could~" Keoni chimed in a sneaky mockery at the woman's voice. How sad... earlier Keoni had been positive this meeting would be completely civil.

As the oblivious woman kindly asked Keoni to sit down, he would himself a sit and held the wine glass, unsure of where to put it. "Hello, Ms. Einheroa. I'm Keoni Baltic, an Associate for my Cobalt." Serious... Keoni had to act as stalwart and austere as possible. Letting his rage run rampant would be horrible. Cobalt was depending on him, and Keoni refused to let the man down. Noticing the table the delusional woman set the briefcase on, got rid of the glass.

"A number... The final number..?" Although their were two blanks, there was only one number? That made things a heck-of-a-lot easier. Sapphires scanned over the paper. "Well, it's obviously a location." Keoni said brusquely. After all, he was sure the woman already knew that... Then again, the woman was delusional to think Cobalt was her's... "What you should probably do is look up all the possible locations for those coordinates on a map and narrow them down by logic. You know, like crossing off places that don't make sense with Project G.O.L.D." Keoni was frowning... This woman made him what to simply guess the number, however... this was for Cobalt.

#14Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:50 am


"Cobalt? Yours? Don't be silly. I've been a customer of Cobalt's for months. He makes sure to attend to my every need and desire. The only reason he didn't come is because he is busy. Soon, one day, we will be married. Under the stars out under the trees and flowers. He said we would, too! She countered, her tone unwavering as if there was no way to tell her she was wrong. She put a hand to her chest, a sly smirk on a confident face as her eyes seemed to sparkle, "You are too skinny. What would Mr. Baltic, no, my Coby have to gain from you? Hmm? Hmmmm? Hmmmmmm! He needs a real, full, beautiful, wealthy woman that can help him and give him everything that he needs. Can you do that?" Her sweet voice was slightly condescending, as if she were teaching Keoni something. Even if Keoni did try to argue, there would forever be one thing that was over his head. woman. Eventually...A woman could very well take all of Cobalt's attention, right? What if, by some slim chance or possibility, this woman did become Cobalt's wife? What would happen to Keoni then? Even if not this woman, what if it were another? If Cobalt got married, bought a house, started a family then Keoni would be absolutely and completely unneeded.

"I mean-", she started, oh no...It was going to get worse! "You are just an Associate. That means that your duty is simply to do whatever Coby needs done for his company. You are an asset to the company, not Coby. If the company weren't around, what would Cobalt have to do with you? If, by some chance, someone better came along, what would happen to you then? Someone more quallified...Someone more useful...As Coby's associate you are expendable, you know. But I, now I am his client. We have history, I have something incredible to provide for him, and I understand him better than anyone else!" She proudly said, lifting a hand dramatically as she grabbed a glass of alcohol that was sitting on a nearby short table and drank, cutting her eyes amused as she waited for Keoni's answer.

She smiled brightly when Keoni gave his answer. There was amusement in her eyes. A child before her new pet puppy. Those sparkling jewels in her face and that excitement in her heart gave her the grandest idea, "How about this: If you are truly the right one for Coby, then you should be able to find the answer in, lets say, less than 3 hours? If you can, I will coincide and will not step in your way, but, if you fail, you will have to stand by as I take my darling Coby for myself. As an Associate, it is your job to complete this data, in the instance that the client or source cannot. I will give you one hint that I found for myself and that was the Observatory down in the city. If you can find what I couldn't, then you will win. But, if 3 hours pass and you have not returned here with the correct answer or the data proves to be false in the long run, you will lose."

It was a long shot. Even with 3 full hours, Keoni wouldn't be able to just input random numbers because there were hundreds of possibilities and even more possible incorrect answers. If they really were a single spot on the map then any wrong answer would lead them to the wrong place, wouldn't it? It had to be the right numbers...But how to find them? 3 hours? That was a long time and a short time at the same time.

"Though, if it is too much of a challenge for you...I am fine if you call Coby and tell him you can't do it and I will figure it out and...Hand deliver it to him at his office."

#15Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:20 am


A rampant shake took control of Keoni's body like some demagogue. The wine glass found its way back to Keoni's hand but instead of chugging the wine, which would have made a little more sense, Keoni chucked it at the woman's face. He wanted it to break; shatter into minuscule pieces and cut her voice. Better yet... maybe she would open her mouth and that tongue of her's would be sliced up. "You're a freaking liar-!" Keoni snarled at the top of his lungs, the low growl reverberating throughout the room.

"You're not beautiful or healthy enough for Cobalt. Why would he ever want a woman who doesn't care for her own health..?" A deranged chuckle bubbled out of his mouth. "Besides... you're just jealous because you're old and ugly. Cobalt would never settle for a dried-up, saggy woman like herself." Keoni pointed to himself and his sapphire eyes sparkled. "But me? I'm young. Young~" The deranged look slipped from his expression for a brief second and a dreamy, far-off look gleamed from his eyes. "And, most importantly, I care for him much more then you ever could. There is nothing I wouldn't do it; even if a task demeans myself." Another snarl erupted from his throat and Keoni appeared bizarrely like a tiger around to sink its teeth into a vulnerable zebra's neck. "Besides... what can you give him that I can't~?"

This woman was really bombastic, wasn't she? "Even ifmy Cobalt got married... He could do much better. Why settle for dirt when you can have a diamond? There are millions of other women, more beautiful women, he could choose from. My Cobalt... is so wonderful... he could have anyone he wanted~" Oh... she was bringing up his job position. "As an associate, I can do everything and anything my Cobalt wishes of me~" Keoni placed his hand over his heart. This woman needed to learn her place within the company. "I care for my Cobalt so much, that I work for free~"

A joyful laugh left Keoni's lips. Whenever his Cobalt was involved, Keoni wasn't afraid to play dirty. This woman probably thought Keoni would fall prey for her gamble, and... why shouldn't he pretend to imulate the appearance of a gullible child..? The hint would be ended, but Keoni would never give up on Cobalt. He had earned Cobalt. "Why not? After all, I would clean toilets with my tongue for my Cobalt~" Too much time had been invested in simply handing Cobalt up to a hideous woman.

#16Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:58 pm


"Agh!" She screamed when wineglass hit her. Fortunately, it didn't break but her beautiful dress was soaked in the expensive liquor. "How dare you! To think I took you for one of Coby's associates! You are nothing but a shame to his name! Out of my house!" She demanded and screamed, infuriated and embarrassed together. Keoni just went on and on and on though. He was on a roll and her face went from amused and excited to angry and hateful.

"You are the rudest, childish, most evil boy that I ever met! Get out! Out! I don't want to see your crazy face ever again! Guards!" She swung her arms towards the door, trying to wipe away the alcohol that had fallen in her dress.

"You are a fool. You don't know Coby at all. He could never care for someone that would do this. You said what I could offer him that you couldn't? Perhaps it is something as simple as class and respect! Your blind devotion is nothing any many of business would ever want." She would screech, a shrill exclamation from a desire to say something in her own defense or to try and cut Keoni as sharply as he cut her.

Just as she yelled and cried out of anger two men in suits ran into the room and they would grab Keoni if he didn't resist and they would literally throw him out on his face if he didn't try to get away from him.

#17Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:37 am


A frown washed over Keoni's face... The glass hadn't shattered as Keoni had wished. Oh but that rich wine permeated through the gossamer dress~ That was something~ Still... it was such a pity the glass had been so resilient. Otherwise that face of her's would perfectly be in sync with the woman's sleazy attitude. Surely, once Cobalt was informed of this woman's lurid intentions towards him, the woman was become repudiated from the company~

"Don't worry, the dress wasn't that stunning to begin with. Besides... that stain really suits you~" Keoni flouted. Out? Yes... leaving this woman's heinous aura would be for the best. "You called mean? Did I really reprove your self confidence that much~?" Keoni snickered as he scurried forward and went to snatch the woman's suitcase. "I'm not a thief... so I'll eventually return this~" He would chime if he was able to snatch the case. Keoni didn't need this woman to surmise the missing numbers; however, this suitcase could really be a wonderful asset. If Keoni was able to find a window, he'd quickly push it open and jump out, sprinting through the yard. "Haha~ Seriousl~?" He questioned himself as if this was some kind of lurid joke. Could a woman really be so under the influence of megalomania that she thought Keoni's Cobalt would want her?

#18Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:43 am


Keoni would have managed to slip away from the guards and out a nearby window. Fortunately, as Keoni was running across the courtyard a car was coming in and the gates were opened.

Strangely, the individual in the car was a silver hair person? That's all that could fully be seen from the dark windows was that light, abnormal silver hair.

Now was Keoni's chance. He could slip right out, hopefully not sprinting fast enough to leave Lorelei behind, and could start on his way to whatever he was going to do? Was he going to report to Cobalt at the company? It was getting late after all and the Observatory was definitely closed...Or, was he going to break in?

#19Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:55 am


Adventitiously, Lorelei was able to remain on Keoni's shoulder. Her tiny, sharp hooves were digging into his back as a merciless scourge. After all, the bount deserved it! He had allowed his delusional state of mind pillage control and now, here they were, sprinting away from the house with a filched suitcase... "Thank you~" Keoni chimed gratefully to the bizarre-hair.

Once Keoni felt like he was a safe enough distance that he was no longer vulnerable, he pulled out his work phone and sent Cobalt a quick but caring text~ "Turns out... I need to use the Observatory~ Can it be unlocked?" Even if Cobalt said no or didn't even bother replying, Keoni would still use it. No matter what Cobalt said, Keoni knew he had his approbation, even if he had to surreptitiously sneak into the Observatory~

#20Running Errands  - Page 2 Empty Re: Running Errands Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:15 am


The text came back almost instantly. Cobalt was a quick texter apparently.
    Find a way.

With that, it was up to Keoni. He would be at the Observatory in no time.

The Kagemino City Observatory looked like a huge museum. It was old on the outside, brick, and had a black bared gate at the front. You couldn't just break in easily and, even if you did, there was a nice shiny camera up there on the corners of the building. It was adjacent two other buildings, so creeping to the sides of it wasn't going to happen. It had old, worn steps that were full of cracks and were probably a good 30-60 years old themselves.

It wasn't a big observatory, but it wasn't small either. It was three feet high, slim, and full of very expensive and old things from paintings to old astronomical technology to globes and spheres all around. If Keoni could get in there, without making a big fuss or giving the camera something to record that it shouldn't, he would be able to investigate.

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