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#61Running Errands  - Page 7 Empty Re: Running Errands Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:45 am


"Thank you ma'am~" Keoni said, a little louder then her. "I'm glad we're on better terms now!" If Cobalt believed the nonsense being prated outside his office, it would be for the best~ Oh no... That British-Irish with a healthy obsession with Spain. A faint smile appeared on Keoni's face.

"That wasn't cool. I don't have a..." Oh right, Rosario was related to that hideous abomination. Revealing such a important missing item... might not be such a good idea. Keoni reached for his leg and tapped the noticeable bandages. "I had to fix this. Hey... It's glue you're suppose to use to get glass shards to rise to the surface, right~?" Keoni questioned, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout. Rosario was much easier to get along with~ Especially, because he was so easily dirty Cobalt's name.

#62Running Errands  - Page 7 Empty Re: Running Errands Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:07 am


"All in fun, mate" That being said, Rosario would flick a finger and the glass and glue would be ripped right out of Keoni's legs. That probably didn't feel all that great either. The blood and remaining glass shards would be floating behind Keoni's legs. "I was sure you were pretty skilled, to be an Associate and all."

Rosario would turn that same finger and the glass shards would land in the trash can not too far off, the blood would follow after. Rosario would chuckle, as if he'd seen something funny, before looking back over to Keoni, "So, you're leaving right away too?"

"Oh hush, Rosario. Don't go talking too much now. Come, we need to go," She was ushering Rosario with a motion of her hands and he only laughed again. He looked like he was in a good mood.

"Don't get all like that, ma. After all, it is a game, right? What's a game without any ball players?" He said, crossing his arms.
"It doesn't work that way, Rosario...But, I guess you are right. I'm sure that I will end up with Coby, but I guess I can let this go on a bit. If you think it is alright then why not? It does sound like fun." She agreed, almost adulated. As if she were in the middle of a daydream. She started to walk off, swaying and switching her overindulgent curves from side to side with each step. "I will leave it all to you, my sweet child,"

Rosario smirked, "Ya really like Mr. Cobalt, right? like, huh? Well then, ya should try to stop us, mate. Consider this Level two," He said, not making clear just what they were going to do. "Were are gonna be off right away. Hope you don't quit too early. It'd be boring to have an easy win, mate." With that, Rosario started to leave. He would have jogged to catch up with his mother.

The way Keoni needed to go was the opposite.

#63Running Errands  - Page 7 Empty Re: Running Errands Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:23 am


A pathetic concoction of a scream and whimper erupted from Keoni's mouth. He... hadn't been expecting that... Should Keoni thank him..? No... The shards were Rosario's fault, but it was still kind of him to remove them... "Thanks..." Keoni mumbled, glaring down at the new slices. The wound had pretty much been regenerated and now... Keoni let out a sigh. "Leaving... No, I'm going to wait." Keoni whispered, a Cheshire grin on his face. Keoni was banned from the company for two weeks; however, that didn't mean he was banned from Cobalt~

Wait... What the heck was Rosario rambling about? Like-liking? Complete devotion was more like it. Like-liking was too demeaning. "Cobalt is an amazing man. It's not like I want his money or what's in his pants." What Keoni was really saying, in a more subtle way, was 'I'm not like your mom'. "Talent. I should show you his performance some time, but... it was more breathtaking in person~" A dreamy expression washed over Keoni's face and he held up a hand as Rosario jogged after his mother.

#64Running Errands  - Page 7 Empty Re: Running Errands Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:37 am



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