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#31Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:12 am


Oh, the teen was simply protecting his mother's pride and honor; like any good Japanese son should. To think that such a moral still existed in modern people. A lot of people Keoni meet only thought of protecting physical and material parts of people. Keoni was colored impress~ "Really~ You're a wonderful son~" How wonderful was having children? Because of Keoni, his late wife and him never had any children... The two had such an... Keoni placed one of his hands over his heart. Together. His wife was still with him; so why should he ponder over such depressing thoughts?

The carpet... Keoni let out a sigh and started wrestling with the "snake". Did people not understand Keoni's sharing issues?! As the chandelier attempted flying, Keoni slipped under the door. "She called my Cobalt her's!" Keoni growled. The teen wasn't even present at the time... Besides.. what did he know?! Had this young adult ever been infatuated with someone? No.... Surely, not. Rage... such lurid rage... Keoni took a deep breath. He had to be patient with Mr. Boom Boom; even if he had hacked the phone Cobalt had so kindly given him. "You want to beat me up then? Is that all~?" That crass smile returned to his face. If all Mr. Boom Boom wanted to do was beat him up, then this confrontation would be brusque. Allowing someone to beat him up was easy~ All Keoni had to do was be stubborn and not fight back. After all... if such a thing worked against a violent dog, it'd surely work against a teenager.

#32Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:36 am


"Diva Play" He said and, from an opened palm came out out a singing wall of physic energy. The energy looked like a blurry gale, though it flew straight, and it was singing what sounded like a foreign opera as it crashed right into where Keoni was. Crash Keoni's door was turned to splinters and, likely, Keoni may have been pushed around a bit gruffly.

"If me mum says Mr. Cobalt is hers, then it's just a matter 'o time. She always gets what's she's looking for. That's how she found me. An' me mum also said something else. If ya don't win this game, lad, then things won't look good between you and Mr. Cobalt you know?" He said, before creating a sphere of energy that resembled a ghostly soccerball.

"If you can't get away and get that information to Mr. Cobalt in 45 minutes, then you will lose more than you've realized so far. Mr. Cobalt will be...Unhappy," With that, he kicked the ball straight for Keoni's face. It would hurt just as much as having a basketball kicked into his face if he didn't move away from it. The physic ball of energy looked hollow, though it was pretty tough and definitely wouldn't pop easy.

#33Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:57 am


Keoni dropped the shredded door. He glanced down at his lightly scratched hands. This... wasn't suppose to be his job in Twenty-One. No... his job was suppose to be brusquely meeting, greeting, and delivering. So... why was he ensnared in a senseless game..? "Wait... not British. Irish? You should have red hair instead. It would be really unique~" Keoni honestly chimed. A ginger Asian... How cool would that be? Keoni would love to see a natural Asian red-head.

Things won't look good? That's how his mother obtained him? "Haha... Hahaha~! Do you hear yourself, Mr. Boom Boom? My Cobalt will always be happy with me..." A dreamy expression washed over Keoni's face and his hands rested on his chest. "Because no one cares for him as much as me~ Only me~" Yes! Cobalt would only perform for Keoni! That woman... was probably only infatuated with Cobalt's money. Keoni had the right reasons; Keoni was the only one with the right reaons! And he'd invested so much time and money in Cobalt. Keoni's eyes blazed. "Cobalt is mine! I earned him!"

Seeing the crass mockery of a soccer ball, Keoni side stepped. Sapphire eyes darted around the room until they settled on a reflexive surface. Keoni scurried towards in and... kicked the window. A smile settled on his face as the glass shattered. "Well, I can't make Cobalt sad, can I~? I could never make him mad. He's a wonderful man, you know~?" The teen was a simple pawn, like an obedient child should be. However, Keoni had already disagreed to be apart of such a pointless game. Jumping out of the window would be a heck-of-a-lot better then playing a game with an envious woman. Keoni would move to jump out of the window.

#34Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:20 pm


"Britsh. Irish. Oh, but wat if I am a Spaniard?" He laughed, though tilted his head as the ball was flying towards him and Keoni was expressing such high confidence in Cobalt.

"Sounds like you know Mr. Cobalt pretty well, but Mr. Cobalt is bloody straight forward. He couldn't be happy with someone attacking one of his clients. I am sure, he won't be happy about my attacking one of his workers either, but I'm ok with that."

The boy's face became a little concerned when Keoni declared Cobalt was his. That was a little...Crazy! It was a lot of crazy, but maybe the boy was just stressed with being attacked and all.

The ball was easily dodged though, that was just as dangerous. When the ball went passed Keoni it went towards the brick wall, which looked like it was going to hit the window and shatter it, and it bounced. It rebounded straight for Keoni's left side, a little higher than his hips, and with multiplied force and energy. It would have hit him just after Keoni would have kicked the window in if he started talking.

The boy looked at the carpet that he had used before interested. Now this was going to be fun.

#35Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:42 pm


Keoni let out a sangfroid laugh. Spaniard? Wouldn't his r's be rolled more? "Nah~ You don't have the features and you don't roll your r's!" Keoni debated good naturally. The only reason the two were fighting was because of some hideous, wannabe gold digger. Keoni was sure he could get along wonderfully with this guy... If he hadn't been playing Chandelier Hot Potato. "You know... like rrrrr~"

Attacking a client? An exchange of verbal insults couldn't be considered attacking. Keoni opened his mouth, about to disabuse the guy about what his mother had been planning to do with Cobalt. That perfume, those candles, the wine... "All I did was tell her the truth and splashed a little wine on her dress~" Another small laugh left his mouth. Fun! Chatting with this teen was fun.

The ball was... a massive bouncy ball..? Sadly, Keoni only realized this after it introduced itself to his left side. Keoni slightly winced before sliding out of the window. Even if his phone was hacked and the suitcase lost, Keoni still remember the coordinates and Mt. Everest. They were just extra luggage that'd be a burden... "See ya, Mr. Boom Boom~ We should really hang out sometime!" He chimed proudly, because Keoni was a shameless person. There was no point in forcing himself to hold a grudge against the guy. After all, by the way he spoke, it appeared they both worked for Cobalt.

#36Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:03 pm


"Hm. I think that my be due to my being adopted and raised in foster homes." He said, chuckling. Too bad. Maybe he'd be more believable if he faked the stereotypical accent or told Keoni his name. It was probably still strange. There was one feature you always tied to an English accent, after all.

"Ya splashed me mum with wine? That's just terrible," He said, that English accent clear. He definitely didn't sound like he knew even a single word of Spanish. Though, Keoni was still going to try and sneak out? It wasn't going to be that easy.

The carpet flew out like a moving riptide and this time it was aimed for that cute teacup pig that was dressed better than some humans. It was larger than she was so, if she wasn't quick enough, she could get snared by it's thick grip and lost in a mess of moveable rug. If Lorelei did manage to dodge it the carpet would chase her, probably moving faster than those pig feet of hers in those boots(?). When she was caught she would be lifted high into the air.

The boy didn't know just how important Lorelei was, but he figured she was pretty important. The little pig was following him around and was dressed nicely. Like a pet.

#37Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:25 pm


Was this guy was insisting he was Spanish. There was just no way. A Spanish Aryan? Sure, that would make more sense if the guy was an albino... but he wasn't. "Depends on how long you lived in Spain~" Keoni informed the child. The longer he had lived in Spain, the more stalwart his accent would be. "She was going crazy! I had to~" Keoni stressed, a smile still coating his face. He really had hoped the glass would shatter...

Lorelei leaped out of Keoni's arms to dodge the carpet. Dang hose gorgeous boots of her's... She was going to have to ruin them, wasn't-... No! Lorelei wasn't going to ruin her favorite pair of boots just because Keoni had an obsession on some ex circus performer. Cobalt wasn't even apart of the circus anymore...

Oh gosh! Lorelei... Lorelei had... She did that on purpose-! Keoni whinned. Why did Lorelei have to be so defiant and let herself get captured? Why couldn't she simply- Keoni's eyes locked onto those sparkling red boots that looked like mini Uggs... There was no way on Earth Lorelei was going to transform.

Keoni walked back into the room and held his hands up. "Hey... Don't get her involved with this. She did nothing." To be honest, Keoni was actually worried about Lorelei... much more then his "heart" being captured. She was far too stubborn to destroy those boots she has just a materialistic obsession with. Keoni forced a friendly smile onto his face. "Please, just gently put her on the ground..?" Keoni pleaded as a puppy dog pout formed on his face.

#38Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:29 pm


"How 'bout this instead, mate. I'll trade the young miss if you will say something," the young boy said. Despite whatever linage he had, his accent was far from Spanish. He really didn't look or sound like he had anything to do with the place.

"I want you to say the worst things you can about Mr. Cobalt. I want you to call him names and say you would rather die than work for him. Ya do that, then I'll let her go and this fight will be done with right here and now." The carpet had completely encased the willing Lorelei, though it wasn't going to smash her. She may be uncomfortable in there, but she definitely wasn't in pain and would be perfectly able to breathe, despite being deep in them.

#39Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:58 pm


Mate? Young miss? The guy definitely wasn't Spanish... Maybe he just had some perfectly healthy obsession with that country, to the point where he wholeheartedly believed he was born there. No... He... He thinks this is funny! How did this teen think Keoni could choose between badmouthing his Cobalt and saving Lorelei..? Dying was always an option... No! Keoni doubted the guy would kill a pig. Of course, he'd eat a pig; people nowadays seemed to love bacon. However, could this guy really bring himself to squash an adorable teacup pig? Especially... one that seemed important to someone..?

Keoni lightly shook his head. "Look... Lorelei is all I have..." Keoni murmured quietly. Oh~ Keoni knew just what to do! Narrowing his eyes as a crazed look sparked to life, he began to mumble depressing prates. Using the truth... was the best way to steal pity. "I... don't have a family... You see, without Lorelei, I'm all by myself." There was always a Plan B... Keoni knew there was a possibility that explaining Lorelei's worth could make the guy think he'd won. "I... haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Keoni...and she's Lorelei." How funny, to be kept introducing himself with that concocted name~ To think... barely a year ago he was introducing himself as 'Yoshiyuki'. The slightly more American name showed Keoni's devotion to the circus performer! No one cared for the man, no one would go out of their way for him like Keoni did...

Keoni forced on a friendly smile and strolled closer to the guy. "I have another idea. Why don't you free Lorelei and I'll apologize to your mom in person. Okay~?" Keoni attempted, as if the two were get friend who were having a simple disagreement. Deciding to show he'd stay true to his word, Keoni held out his hand for the guy to shake. There was really no need for them to be on horrid terms... "Can I get your name~?"

#40Running Errands  - Page 4 Empty Re: Running Errands Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:35 pm


"That's sad, mate. You should bad mouth ya boss then. Better to have your family, right?" The most straight forward, business logic that he could think of. Sure, the boy did feel for Keoni. It was hard not having a family. It was a situation he was the most familiar with and using that approach was actually a good idea. So, he would definitely try not to hurt the pig, but until then he wanted Keoni to say it. If Lorelei was that important then the choice was obvious.

As Keoni approached, the mess of carpet became a ball around Lorelei and floated high enough that Keoni would bearly be able to reach. Though, even if he could reach unwinding it would be difficult with his bare hands.

"Sure, we can do that too. But, ya still gotta say it, mate. It's going to have to be good too, else I won't be convinced. No one is around, right? Just show just what kinda person you are and I will be more inclined to make a deal with you," He shrugged, not shaking just yet. So that was what this was? To demean Keoni. Even if there wasn't anyone around, would Keoni do such a disrespectful thing infront of this guy? He'd probably laugh, which would only likely rebound back on Keoni. But, Lorelei was in danger. What was a few words if this could all be over and done with?

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