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#21Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:46 am


"Find a way~?" What an amazing guy, to have the ability to quickly mitigate all of Keoni's worries in a quick text of decadence. "He must have been waiting for my text~" What a commiserating and wonderful man, to have his phone ready for whenever Keoni got ahold of him. The work phone received a vicarious hug. Despite his exchange of inveighs with that delusional woman, Keoni wasn't feeling the least bit vitriolic. No... life was stunning~

"You know what... I'm going to take a nap..." Lorelei muttered like a petulant child. She didn't even get a sip of the wine... After scanning the area for undesired eyes, she turned into a rose gold pocket watch and Keoni tucked her under his shirt.


One the pair stumbled upon the ginormous Observatory, Keoni looked around. Find a way? Does he want to make a game of this~? A gleeful squeal bubbled out of Keoni's mouth. The camera... he couldn't award it an undeserving, scathing fate. No... Keoni had contrived a much more brusque plan. Strolling passed the building, he went down the second alley he spotted. "Lorelei, you remember what it looks like, right~?" Keoni inferred with a crass smile.

"If we don't go shopping tomorrow, I'll be ticked." After all, everything and everyone else was inconsequential. Keoni nodded and wished he could get rid of the unwieldy bags of clothes; he wanted Lorelei to receive the clothes she had the prerogative to but... Lorelei let out an oink and the pair was transported into the Observatory.

With a bubbling smile about to runaway and set autonomy, Keoni began towards the room he required. Three hours? Keoni would flout how much he cared for his Cobalt in that heinous woman's face!

#22Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:13 am


Just like out of a cliche spy movie, there were those familiar red laser lights running around the open spaces waiting for a crook to trip them. There were cameras here and there as well.

Off to the far right there was an open area that was called, "The Most Important Places" and there was a picture of the very old and tattered suitcase that Keoni had with him. That was probably the best place to start.

But, before Keoni could even make his way over there to investigate, the alarm went off and the lights came on.

#23Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:24 am


"Oh no... Oh no..." Keoni muttered in despair as the alarms permeated the air. "Lorelei, what should we do?! What should-"

A tiny pig hoof had scathingly slapped Keoni. "Shut up-! Hurry and hide!" Wasn't Keoni as old as her?! He should have been a master at Hide and Seek! There was no reason for Keoni to act like such a petulant child.

A goof smile found its way to Keoni's lips and he went off sprinting... towards The Most Important Places. The words on the sign were familiar and joyfully Keoni decided the name reminded me of something that would perfectly suit in with 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Well, before Willy Wonka decided the name had nothing to do with chocolate and/or candy and was repudiated from the edible factory.

#24Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:56 am


As Keoni was off running to make himself scarce he ran right through the eyeshot of a few cameras and, for a moment, in sight of front windows. As Keoni was running to find a sweet place to appear invisible, a machine went off.

"Geographical coordinates are organized by-" It started, though Kenoi whizzed by only to miss anything that it said after that. It was a section on world travels, boats, and the history of the globe specifically. Christopher Columbus looked to be the next big thing over there.

Was Keoni going to investigate?

#25Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:10 am


A machine was prating?! Oh no... Oh- No! This is for Cobalt... Nothing would stand in his way to impressing Cobalt. That woman... Keoni would show her just how much better Keoni. Besides, the fact that his youth transcended the woman's old look and eventually saggy... Entering the room, Keoni quickly shut the door and dropped the suitcase onto the table. Quickly, he locked the door and began to scurry around the room. What to use..?

The globe caught his gaze and he gently set it onto the table. Fingerprints didn't matter when he lacked a social security number... Even DNA would be useless... There were some perks to being born hundreds of years ago. Keoni sat down in a chair and opened up the suitcase, looking for any information that could narrow down the coordinates' search.

#26Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:20 am


When Keoni returned it ended mentioning something about Mt. Everest and the Great Wall of China. Looking at that globe, he would see some of the more important places were labled by their coordinates.

Mt. Everest would match the broken puzzle with: "27°59′17″N 86°55′31″E" which filled in the few missing numbers perfectly. All Keoni had to do was remember "Mt. Everest" as that was the key to the puzzle.

Sometime during this discovery, the door was blown right off it's hinges and out walked a young man that looked as old as Keoni looked. The boy would walk in, the dust that came from the explosion clearing slowly. He walked right over the downed door blowing a bubble from the gum in his mouth. He seemed to be paying close attention to the paintings, sculptors, and models that were all in this room.

"Sup, rat." He said, though it didn't sound like there was any malice in it. Almost like it wasn't said as an insult, but as if it were a nickname. The boy looked pretty normal, other than that white hair of his and those strange wave like tattoos under his eye.

He would face Keoni before long, hands in his dark gray trenchcoat, and wait for Keoni to do something.

#27Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:07 am


Of course~ The answers had been in the suitcase, so... why had his Cobalt sent him to the woman in the first place? Oh well~ It was Cobalt. Surely, Cobalt had an outstanding reason to send Keoni. He pulled out his cellphone and texted the coordinates along with Mt. Everest' to Cobalt. Now that his job was done oh-so-perfectly, Keoni could go through with his promise to buy Lorelei more clothes and bring her to the salon. What to do with the case through..? Keoni closed it, deciding to give it to his Cobalt as a gift. Cobalt would love the gift so much, he'd surely perform~ "Time to go, Lorelei~ We'll get your-"

The sentence was interrupted by a petulant explosion. In strutted a teenager. Sapphire eyes trailed over the teen. Such a handsome face... Why would he degrade it with tattoos? Keoni would make sure to ask the teen about it later. First, to be polite, Keoni needed to greet him. He would be a wonderful representative of Cobalt~ "Hi, Mr. Boom-Boom. What brings you here~?" Keoni chimed as if the two of them were best friend that had meet here adventitiously. Keoni slipped his cellphone into his jeans' pocket and rested his cheek on his hand. So far, the only threat this teen was, was to the already destroyed door. Besides, someone with such a handsome face had to be a nice guy~ A friendly smile adorned Keoni's face.

#28Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:04 am


"I was sent here by my mum. Says that there was this messy kid that ruined everything. I figured that kid would like to take a trip through the museum." His accent sounded English, though he didn't entirely look English. He looked some kind of other foreign. Something between Aryan and Asian, somehow.

"Good lad, that. Too bad that his lucks spilled all out," He said, leaning back on the balls of his feet and leaned forward, his hands in his pocket, offering a mischievous smile. Everything in the room started too...Float. The globe, the short quills, the model trains, the short tables, and all the other various nick nacks in the museum. It almost looked like gravity had been shut off, but Keoni was still just as heavy as he always was.

"Madness Play~" He said, his tone strongly playful as everything shot to smack Keoni. A few would just be nuisances, but there were a few sharp pins, quills, and a few chairs and tables that may hurt a little

#29Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:35 am


Mum..? Keoni was more bewildered by the teen's accent then by the circuitous connections his mind concocted."I thought you looked foreign but... it's sorta rude to ask, you know~? British, right? You sound British." His gaze locked onto the teen's blonde hair and Keoni subconsciously ran his fingers through his golden locks. Envious... Keoni really wished his hair could be naturally blonde... At least he naturally had blue eyes. So... that hideous woman is his mother? Should have known she was an old hag! Ha~ Why would my Cobalt date someone with a child? Bubbly laughter slipped out of his mouth. "She's just jealous~ Your mom knows Cobalt is mine." A crass smile grew on his face. The woman knew she was defeated. An old hag that would only get more wrinkly and saggy as time went by didn't deserve Cobalt.

Oh..? All the objects were floating..? So, he has powers but... Cobalt said she didn't have powers... "Whaaat..?" Keoni asked in obvious bewilderment. Even if this teen had powers, how did such poise exist? To confidently use his abilities in front of someone else... was stunning courage. Keoni jumped out of the chair as everything was thrown at him. Crouching down, Keoni opened his palm and a... door appeared on it. He lifted up his other arm and held the door in front of him. "Oh, you came to play~?" Keoni snickered, pleased that the woman was this envious. "Sorry, but... you see... I don't fight. It's sorta stupid to fight someone senselessly, right? I mean... you didn't even explain why you attacked me. That pretty rude~" Keoni pouted.

#30Running Errands  - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Errands Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:53 am


"I guess so-" He said, twisting his hands and a carpet came from one of the other rooms and, like a winding, twisting snake, wrapped around the door on it's way to wrap around Keoni.

"Well, I think insulting me mum and throwing wine on her is 'nough reason," Above Keoni came down a chandelier, which had small little earth plants on it. It was large enough to smash Keoni, though only heavy enough to break a few bones if it hit him.

"Besides, lad," He added, showing his own cellphone. It showed a new message, though it had Keoni's number on it. "When I hacked yer phone this game kept going. So far, ya haven't won just yet." Yet another reason. Those were more than strong enough to force a fight, even if Keoni didn't want one. Not that he really even had to explain his intentions after all the rude things that Keoni had already done today. Assult, insult, and even breaking and entering. This boy was a glutton for punishment.

The boy held his hand out, about to use a different power next. He would use it directly Keoni and, hopefully, straight through anything that Keoni was planning on shielding himself with or hiding behind.

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