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Zeipher's face was in awe of the environment around him. It was much like his human days. Mountains, heavy forests. He almost felt at home here. Key word almost. Appearing at the top of the mountain, he looks down at the building sitting in the jungle. "Wha.. That's some creepy ass Juju shit right there." He muttered to himself. shaking his head, he ran down the hill towards the gate, where Tazuma and Minrou resided. Rubbing the back of his head with a large smile, he spoke softly. "This is your..home? It's so...big."


Hearing minoru's question I,simply reply" well two,things. One I will be training with,you both directly and two soon we will have some very special guests arriving " as zeipher arrives he makes a comment about the size of the monastery"yes gust this is where I grew up. I come here and take care of it when I can." The gate glows with many seals as my voice reaches its area.


As Tazuma answered Minoru's question, Minoru started into thought. He knew Tazuma would be training them himself, but who could these guests be. These guests... what makes them so special?? Minoru asked, his mood picking up slightly. Minoru was becoming anxious, his foot tapping on the compacted dirt beneath hit, his fingers 'drumming' on his ribs.


Zeipher was in awe of the whole building that Tazuma called "home". He watches the gates glow as Tazuma speaks. Zeipher's eyes widen. What was this magic? He walked up towards the gate, touching it. Quickly removing his hand, he nodded with Minoru as he asked the question. "please tell me it's not zombies or something. I don't feel like being a chicken finger today." Zeipher giggled to his own joke.


"not zombies,someone a little more close to home you two." As gust touches the gate it chimes a loud tone in his head as I see gust getting toned "this is old magic,ancient magic gust. I barely know it. It just seems to respond to me for some reason " I walk close to the door with each step symbols appear on the gate glowing red with energy.
A total of nine symbols appear as I stand before the gate. Touching them in series causing a song of sorts to play out. As the final note plays the barrier breaks and the gates creak open before us as they do I speak once more" welcome to my home. The temple of the red lady."


Minoru laughed for a brief moment at Zeiphers zombie comment before Tazuma replied that the guests were much closer to home. As Minoru stood waiting, his foot still tapping on the ground, Tazuma walked up to the large gate as nine symbols appeared. Minoru watched as Tazuma touched each symbol in a series, each one letting out a different tone as it was touched. When Tazuma touched the final note Minoru felt more than saw the barrier around the gate break, after which the gate began to open. Over the sound of the gates opening Minoru heard Tazuma call out "Welcome to my home. The temple of the red lady."

Minoru stepped through the gates, his eyes wondering all over the area. He could tell the place must have been ancient, the structure seemed well aged. Not only that the whole structure appeared to be well kept. "This place must be old... ancient even, but you keep it so well kept. Thank you for inviting us here Tazuma. Minoru spoke turning his attention back to Tazuma and Zeipher.


Zeipher was still giggling from his joke he said early. He was craving chicken but now was not the time to think about food. He had training to do after all. But afterwards, that is the thing he was thinking about. The feast he would have once he gets back to the 11th barracks. watching as Tazuma open the door to his home "the temple of the red lady" Zeipher stopped giggling.
"A temple? Like... a monk?" Zeipher wasn't really all that great at thinking about buildings. They were just buildings as home, even this one he did not know or heard about. Walking through the gate he got much more views of the courtyard to the temple. Turning around to Tazuma, he opened his mouth once again. "What exactly are we going to do here Tazuma?"


Thank you minoru. This temple predates the academy by many years. I come here often to maintain the grounds here as I my,duty to,my home, my order. And yes gust like monks. I am a monk before I am a shinigami. Sadly I am the last of my order however now walking into,the great court yard I point to the top of a mountain surround by,countless stairs!There is where I learned my bankai looking around I point to a sealed doorIn that door is our orders most sacred place. I have only been inside once. Just before I left for the academy. That day,the red lady came to me in this plane.


Minoru was surprised that the temple had housed monks, and was even further shocked by Tazuma's telling of him being a monk himself. Minoru watched as Tazuma then pointed towards where he had learnt his bankai and a place sacred to his order. Minoru didn't really know what to say at this point, so he opted to continue listening to whatever Tazuma had to say.


Gust took glances at the special areas as Tazu called them out. Looking over the sacred area more than the rest, He raised his arm, pointing towards the door. "The red lady? Like in physical form?" Gust wasn't meaning to interrupt the story that Tazu was saying, he wasn't even meaning to ask the question. It came to him as he heard the word. Something he needed to know about this woman was driving him crazy.

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