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After unleashing the Hado #63, Minoru watched as it passed through the cloud of smoke, causing it too disperse into the air. Once the smoke was cleared Minoru noticed several things at once. Minoru could feel several reiatsu signatures growing, the first two belonging to Cheolpa and Zeipher, the final increase came from Amelia's direction.

Increasing the amount of caution he was taking Minoru looked towards the tree's where he could spot a faint blue glow from where he could feel reiatsu being gathered. Behind the tree Yawe... you should be able to get him, I'll intercept Zeipher. At this Minoru felt Yawe confirm the plan with a mental nod. The instant Yawe confirmed the plan Minoru changed his direction, now heading directly towards Zeipher as he continued to keep watch on Amelia's raising reiatsu.

As Minoru headed towards Zeipher he did two things, first Minoru lifted his left hand, a single finger pointed towards the orb of water balanced upon his fingers. In Minoru's right hand his zanpakuto was held steady, mass amounts of winds beginning to travel towards it before wrapping around the whole weapon.

While Yawe had been making way toward Minoru the winds wrapping around her blade began to calm. In moments she neared where Minoru had pointed out Cheolpa's location before he made way towards Zeipher. "Cheolpa you coward, stop hiding behind all these trees and rocks! Yawe called out, her voice full of annoyance and a taunt. Swiftly Yawe rose her blade before making a powerful slash diagonally from right to left, as the slash fell her soft melodic voice could be heard, "Windscar!" Four large blades of wind ripped towards and through the tree's nearing Cheolpa's hiding spot.

Upon contact with something stronger than the blades of wind, or Cheolpa, the blades would explode into several smaller blades. Yawe quickly followed her Windscar, aiming to use it as cover to attack Cheolpa. Wind was continuing to circle Yawe's blade this whole time, as she also kept an eye on Amelia, until she heard the girl call out a single word, "Bankai"

Minoru... Yawe's warning drifted through their mental connection....


Zeipher continued to Run with the orb of water was infront of his trident. Spinning the staff, the orb begain to move along with the trident. Holding his finger up, he jumped into the air as the orb still followed him. Looking over the area, he sees the smoke cloud that Cheolpa is near. I think it's abotu time to do thi... Gust's thoughts were cut short as he felt a surge of reaitsu. Looking down, he saw Amelia go about using bankai. Looking her over, Gust had to use the orb now, before it gets destroyed. "CHEOLPA NOW!" eh said, as he pointed his fingers at the orb. Comign from his fingers was a ball of reiatsu, combining with the orb which already had reiatsu in it. Cheolpa did the same but with a beam from the ground. The orb slowly Chruns about as it starts to expand. Spikes appear from the orb as it grows even more. The ball finally then explodes as beams of reaitsu mixed with water rains down on everyone in the area. (imagine a bunch of ceros raining down.)


Amelia noted what Gust was doing and when she saw the barrage that was going to fall on her he reacted quickly and calmly
~~I need some swors~~ she thought to herself. no sooner had the thought cross her mind then her new wolf companion vanished into two balls of metal and electricity that floated over to her hands and transformed into twin short swords. New weapons in hand she began dancing between the rain of water and spiritual energy, dodging what she could and blocking those that she couldn't. One or two hit her but her new studded leather armor protected her from most of the damage.

The the barrage had ended Amelia took the chance to counter strike, her swords changing into a bigger version of her shikai, from which she quickly aimed and fire shoots at her four opponents, before firing a shot she took time charging into the sky

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