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Zeipher was in a dire situation, from Yawes attacks, he couldn't turn around from the force and speed of her strikes.he continued to take onslaughts of strikes from the spirit as her shikai ripped through his back. Thinking of a quick exit strategy, Gust placed his hands together as he used bakudo #4 haniawa to wrap his wrist and lock it with his trident. He then held his trident in his right hand, throwing it to the ground as the bakudo dragged him with it. This was just an exit type of move to regain his thoughts. "she already did a number on me." he spoke to Cheolpa through his mind. Holding up his trident, he began to spin it in front of him As water from the ground begins to rise in front of his trident forming a bubble.

Cheolpa continued his barrage f reiatsu punches as he took, multiple slashes to his fists. They collided together, with mins blade as the steel sparks at the strikes. Once mins arm goes umb for a brief second, Cheolpa shunpos to that same side, bringing a hook to the shoulder of min, attempting to strike across his body.


"their focused on each other" Eclair noted"You aren't a threat to them. However I got a little surprise for them. What i need you to do right now Amelia is concentrate and build up your reiatsu. I'll cover for you"

Amelia wasn't sure she understood but she didn't argue with her zanpaktou. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breathe as she concentrated and did as he instructed her


As Yawe attack Zeipher she found her strikes were coming fast enough to prevent him from turning to face her... or at least until he used Bakudo #4 in combination with his trident to escape Yawe and her attacks. Immediately as Zeipher escaped her range Yawe changed direction, first noting the bubble of water Zeipher was forming.

Minoru on the other hand was having a harder time, he and Cheolpa were still trading blows, though once Amelia's shot hit him Cheolpa took advantage of his limp arm, shunpoing to that side attempting to land a powerful hook to the shoulder. Taking the hit Minoru 'felt' Yawe smirk as she came in from behind Cheolpa striking out at him with a few simple slashes. Minoru who's arm was still limp chose to shunpo backwards a few meters before using Hado #4 in rapid succession, firing three shots of it, the first aimed at Cheolpa, the other two fire off slightly slower as Minoru aimed towards Amelia and her zanpakuto spirit.


Watching everyone engaged in combat I felt my body twitch in excitement. Simething inside me wanted to join. The,singer whispered into my,ear"be patient tazuma. SilenceHim he clouds your mind with bloodlust. He is part of the reason I am so different now." looking over my shoulder at the singer floating there"as you wish kuriyami but remember I am here to,train them and master my new gifts given,to,me just now."
The singer laughed loudly"silly boy,my gift is already mastered by you. Your fathers is different." I continue to watch the battle focusing on amelia as she is gathering alot of reiatsu"that a girl amelia. Use it go ." I say quietly to myself


The bubble infront of Gust remained still as he was still spinning his trident infront of him. The water gathering infront of him floated 13 inches off the ground. Slowly, Gust began to walk to the right. Grinning he held the bubble in place, waiting on yawe to get near him once again. He raised his right hand, holding two fingers up as he slowly turned them to the ground as water escaped the ground to his finger tips. Forming a bubble over his two fingers.

Cheopla shunpo'd over to the tree where his trident was wrapped around as he pulled at it, breaking it from the trunk. Turning aroudn, he lost sight of Min, Just for a moment. As the kido hits cheopla's chest, Smoke comes about covering his form as he disappears inside of it. He hides behind a tree, waiting for Minoru to begin looking for him.


Eclair was quick to notice the two kido Minoru fired at Amelia and he simply shot at them before they got near her, causing them to explode early.
"I'm sorry human, but you'll have to try harder then that to hurt my partner while I'm watching over her" He said

"No need to taunt them Eclair. Just focus on your task" Amelia said as she continued to gather reiatsu. it was starting to effect a small portion of the sky around her, which was growing dark and occasionally a lighting bolt would flash out of it. Amelia herself had a yellow glow about her and what looked like occasional arcs of electricity


While Yawe had noted the bubble of water Zeipher was creating, she continued in the opposite direction towards Cheolpa and Minoru, Be careful Minoru, Cheolpa isn't done with just that hit. Yawe's called out to Minoru mentally as she continued to near him and Cheolpa. Her blade by now coating in the jade/gold reiatsu she and Minoru share.

Meanwhile as Yawe continued to prepare her attack, the winds began to pick up, hitting Yawe's wings perfectly and speeding her up. Draw him out, I'll hit him with Windscar. Yawe mentally confirmed with Minoru as the winds continued to pick up as well as wrap around Yawe's blade.

After firing the three Byakurai, Minoru continued to pursue Cheolpa as his first Byakurai struck the noble zanpakuto spirit. The hit caused a large amount of smoke to kick up, at the same time Yawe cautioned Minoru. Minoru already knew he had to be careful, and as such instead of pursuing through the smoke Minoru moved into action through other means.

As Minoru was getting ready, Yawe told him to draw Cheolpa out while she'd try to hit him. Fine, we'll do it your way, but keep an eye on the others. Minoru answered Yawe, as he rose a palm infront of himself, aimed into and beyond the smoke. "Hado number Sixty-Three, Raikoho" A large wave of yellow energy ripped forth from Minoru's palm directly into the smoke.


"Cheolpa, Stay agile and dodge, I have a plan." Gust spoke mentally towards Cheopla. The bubble was now finished both infront of his trident, as well on his two fingers. Spinning his trident, he began to walk in the direction of Yawe and Min. He had something up his sleeve that he wanted to show everyone. He was about to show off his control of water in a sense. The bubble was filled with reiatsu, showing a faint light blue glow as it continues to float with Gust. The bubble on his two fingers did the same, glowing a faint blue Color. He kept his fingers pointed at the groudn as he leaned forward gaining speed slowly as he began to run towards the others. "Work with me here Cheopla"

Cheopla was up against the tree as he watched the kido past him in the smoke. He drew Moisture from the air into his hands forming a ball(think rasangan) as he keeps his right hand open. "You better be sure about this Gust, I have to deal with these two." he spoke in his thoughts with a semi strange tone. His eyes quickly change to a light blue, the same color as the bubble that Gust is carrying. Cheolpa kneeled down behind a rock, placing both ahnds over the ball as he conitnues to pour reiatsu into it.


"Well let the brutes go at it then. We have a slight surprise for them" Eclair said, watching Gust and Minoru fight each other "But right now I have something important to tell you my partner. Never forget these words, if you want to really call upon me and my full powers in battle"

With that he leaned over and whispered into her ear, causing her eyes to widen before she nodded and gained a serious expression

"Good. Now let's show them what you can do" Eclair said before walking a few feet in front of her

Amelia didn't reply right away, gathering as much Reiatsu as she could before speaking on simple word: "Bankai"

Two bolts of electricity fell from the dark cloud above her, strike her and eclair at the same time, and causing both of them to be obscured in the bright flash of light. When it finally faded Amelia stood in the middle of some charred earth, no longer wearing her shinigami uniform but rather studded leather armor that covered her upper legs, chest, back, shoulder, lower arms, and feet. however she didn't seem to have a weapon on her other then her.

That was because her weapon stood a few feet away, where the man that was Eclair had stood, in his place was a creature that resembled a wolf, with paws, claws, teeth, head, back, and tail made of metal. Where it;s limbs and body should've been there was nothing more then pure electricity keeping the giant creature, which was almost as big as Amelia, together. This electricity was bright red in color It stretched for a few seconds before letting out a howl that challenged those around it.

"Chasseur du dieu éclair"


Seeing amelia achieve bankai for the first,time I smile"looks like she is serious about going with me I guess." I say to my self noticing how high her reiatsu was going"she is gonna burn out quickly lile we all did." I say getting ready,to protect,her if I needed to when her bankai burned out"amaya would be proud." I whisper

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