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While Gust and Cheolpa went about decorating the yard with tridents Eclair laughed at Cheolpa's comment about 'no honor'
"We're hunters. Surprise is our best weapon along with our ingenuity" he said to his fellow spirit. Both he and Amelia easily dodged the two tridents thrown at them using shunpo. Afterwards both of them looked at their new surroundings

those tridents aren't doing much. Any idea what they might do Eclair?" Amelia asked

"I have a suspicion" her spirit replied, before firing a quick shot at gust


After what,feel like eternity the energy coursing through me evens out. The pain subsides and I lay on the hard stone floor panting and sweating from the trial that I,just went through. As I open my eyes I cab see that my,family were all on one knee as I sit up I can see why they are. Before them was a beautiful woman,with dark hair wearing a red cloak around her curvy,hips."si.. Singer is that,you?" I ask. She then looks at me and smilesI am are you,suprised,to see me. The last,time was up in that,hilltop when I gave you my power. looking at her"my bankai?" I,question. Smiling she looks at meyes that is what you called it...can you guess why I am here now?" stunned I can't answer as she draws a rather long sword from her side



The two calls of Windscar could be heard as Amelia and her zanpakuto spirit fought, and as Zeipher and Cheolpa fought. Large gusts of wind sharp as a blade burst forth, at the epicenter Minoru and Yawe, their individual Windscar attacks clashing and feeding off each other to create the vicious winds now beginning too pick up. While this occurred something caught both Minoru and Yawe's attention, Amelia and her spirit had teamed up too fight Zeipher and Cheolpa. "Well Minoru... we can either continue with this stand still... Yawe said, indicating that their respective Windscar's were still feeding off each other and only beginning to fade now. "Or we can join in that tag fight over there. Yawe's soft voice called out as she pointed out the others.

Minoru thought for a moment before answering Yawe, "Fine we'll join in.... but I plan to finish our spar later, and I'll be the one winning!" Minoru's voice called out as he used shunpo to close in on the others, Yawe repeated his action although using her wings to soar towards them instead of using shunpo. Both Minoru and Yawe noticed how the fight between the others was going, although Amelia had an elemental advantage, Zeipher was using that exact disadvantage as a tool. The pair smirked as they closed in on the four unsuspecting fighters, their voices calling out at the same time....

"Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"

"Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"

"Hado #63 Raikoho!" As both Minoru and Yawe spoke and finished the incantation for the Raikoho they lifted their empty palms, aimed for the center of the other 4's spare. The moment the incantation was finished a large wave of yellow energy was unleashed from both Minoru and Yawe's palms, the two kido's spiraling around each other as they closed the distance between their start and the ground. Once the kido's were fired Minoru and Yawe both moved out using the smoke cloud the kido's would create as cover. For now the two would just attempt to draw the other duo's into Zeipher's own trap as its set off.

[I assume a materialized Zan Spirit would be able to use Kido that the wielder knows since the Zan is a part of the soul. If not I'll edit]


Gust Pressed his trident forward, catching the shot of lightning into the stream of water from his trident. Spinning it around it began to yell; "Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden" The electricity from the lightning shot, mixed with the electricity that flowed out of Gust's hands. Cheolpa looked to his right as he heard the hado coming towards them quickly. Before he could respond, the kido hit his right side, sending him flying into trees. Pressing his trident into the ground, he pointed at The Direction it came from; "YAWE! I KNOW THAT WAS YOU. YOU IMMATURE SPIRIT!" Cheolpa knew that Min and yawe were the only two other people out here as it came from his direction. Gust floated downwards at the top point of the trident beside him,

Still having the electricy flowing in his hands, mixed with the shot from Amelia, Gust spun his trident around, pressing it into the ground as The water streams still connected with each and every water trident. The ground was wet from the dripping of the tridents. The lightning shot straight from the trident gust was holding into the first trident, then quickly spread throughout the whole trident field. The electricity stayed on the tridents as they were grounded into the dirt, The ground underneath had a little shock to the step(like a electric fence} Causing anyone to touch it, to have muscle spams and tightening, making it hard to move.


Eclair stood in the middle of the electrical field, not bothered in the slightest. This was his element and as a zanpaktou he was naturally immune to it. He burst out laughing at the pathetic move... then stopped when he remembered something that caused him to panic before he quickly turned to his owner, who was fairing much, much worse then he

Amelia hadn't known what Gust was planning and by the time she had figured it out he had already 'activated' his trap. Her body immediatly tensed as electricity began running through it. It was small amounts yes, but the constant stream was what was really doing her in. In mere seconds she fell to her knees. Eclair, sences and knowing what was going to happen quickly moved over to her, picked her up, then moved out of the electrical field and over to a more grounded area, where he examined his owner. Her face was pale as a sheet and the moment her body could move normally again she began having a violent coughing fit.


As she slid the massive sword into view she looked down at me. Grasping the sword by the blade!Here this is yours now. take vengeance upon those who will harm you and the one's you love. I am no longer sorrowful. Now I am vengeful. as I grab the,hilt of the massive sword it attunes to me and seals into my normal zanpacto. Standing now I know what I have to do. Looking at the singer"so shall we go now my lady? As I walk to the door the singer follows next to me.
the singer:

As I leave the doorway I see everyone and there spirits engaged in combat. Kuriyami hovers behind me and wraps her arms around meNo Tazuma not yet. Let them play. You watch.


After firing off the Raikoho's Minoru and Yawe made way into the spare, watching as Cheolpa was hit by the dual Raikoho, the kido sending him sailing into a grouping of trees. After Cheolpa was hit the duo of Yawe and Minoru watched as Zeipher activated his trap catching both Amelia and her zanpakuto spirit in it. The Duo watched as Amelia's spirit was able to stand in the trap as it was harmless too him, on the other hand Amelia was caught in the trap. She began to seize up before her zanpakuto spirit removed her from the trap and watched over her.

Assuming the trap was still active Minoru opted to use shunpo, closing the distance between himself and Zeipher. As Minoru closed in, from a range of about 100 yards he would use Bakudo #4 Hainawa trying to entrap the noble spirit, if it worked Minoru would immediately follow the Hainawa up with a incantation-less Bakudo 63 which would emit from the Hainawa.

As Minoru went about engaging Cheolpa, Yawe was flying in from behind to attack Zeipher, her wings carrying her faster than Minoru's own shunpo. Yawe would keep it simple, moving in too strike swiftly at Zeiphers back and legs with her own blade, Yawe would continue a series of simple strikes if possible pushing Zeipher towards Minoru and Cheolpa.


Cheolpa threw his trident at the bakudo as it enwrapped around a tree nearby. Shunpoing in a zigzag pattern to minrou, he charged up clue reiatsu into his fists as he threw punches of reiatsu waves toward minrou. About 4 blast went after each limb of minrou, if hit, Cheolpa would continue the barrage of the reiatsu punches.

Zeipher didn't notice yawe appear behind him. He felt sharp pains as she rapidly cut into his back and legs. Leaving moderate sized gashes across his back. With each strike received from yawe, Gust would move closer to min and Cheolpa.


Eclair watched the others fight while also making sure Amelia was safe. After her coughing fit was over Amelia stood up and picked up her shikai
"Sorry about that eclair. Shall we get back to the fight?" she asked her zanpaktou

"I think you should rest. that trap almost pushed you to your limit" Eclair replied"but I do see that you want to continue so we shall. But I will be watching your back"

Amelia simpley nodded. She knew she was completely outclassed here so she would have to be quick in her actions. Chances were he Zanpaktou was useless but she still had to find out. So she fired a shot at minoru


When Minoru fired off the Hainawa Cheolpa's response was one Minoru wasn't quite expecting. The spirit had simply thrown his trident into the bakudo causing it to pin the trident to a tree nearby. Well there goes that idea.. Minoru thought to himself as Cheolpa made way too him in a zig-zag pattern of shunpo's, Minoru noticed that Cheolpa was gathering blue reiatsu around his fists. Immediately when Cheolpa came into range he began throwing a barrage of punches, from each a 'wave' of reiatsu was thrown. Although Minoru was doing his best to avoid the strikes, Cheolpa was throwing the strikes rapidly, and it appeared that four were aimed for each of his limbs. Taking three hits, Minoru began his counter attack. With each strike Cheolpa would continue to throw, Minoru would use his shikai and its tube grip to fight back. Now between each of Cheolpa's own strikes Minoru would attack with his own rapid 3 strikes, the tube grip allowing the strikes to be performed as fast as Minoru could manage. As Minoru began his counter attack, Amelia found time to launch a shot at him, its energy running through Minoru and causing his left arm to hang limp for a few moments while he tried to attack. (Minoru essentially shrugs the shot from Amelia off though the electrical current or w/e interfered *shrug*)

While this went on Yawe's attack on Zeipher was starting off well, her initial strikes landing and leaving moderate gashes. Yawe's onslaught of attacks continued, though now they appeared to be picking up pace as she began using the tube grip along the shaft of her shikai. With each attack Yawe threw(if they land) Zeipher would notice the wounds left were messy and torn, this due to Yawe's blade gathering winds between attacks.

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