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"thats what you need to do amelia. Keep calm. Clear your mind fight only in the moment." I say quietly but I am sure she can hear me. Seeing her movements and that of eclairs I can see how well they know each others moves abd attacks"do something unexpected." I say again quietly


Cheolpa watched as the girl and wolf spirit bickered at each other. Rolling his eyes, he sighed as he lifted his hand. "If you two ever want to work together, stop this immature nonsense." The color of his eyes change to a light grey, seen between his helmet and cloth covering his mouth. Gust slowly raises back up, rubbing his face as he turned to Amelia and Tazuma. "this is.. Boss." he said smiling at cheolpa, he jumped from the chair, attempting a highfive when Cheolpa just let him fall flat on his face. Cheolpa looked down to Gust as he raised his thumb up. "straighten up Gust.."


Minoru had listened as Tazuma explained that the first task was infact not dangerous, but it involved the sake they were drinking. Tazuma also explained that the tea he had given Amelia would have the same effect of the sake they were drinking. Minoru was curious as too what the properties of the sake was, and thus he continued to drink from his saucer, emptying it and refilling it twice before speaking up. "So what exactly does this sake do?" he asked before refilling his drink once again. Minoru was about to continue speaking before two things happened, first he noticed that Zeipher could hardly hold his alcohol and was already drunk and mumbling something about his mother. Second while Zeipher had stood and begun dancing around the room, Minoru had begun hearing an older feminine voice but could not make out what was being said.

After hearing the distant unrecognizable voice, Minoru listened as Tazuma explained what the properties of the sake and Amelia's tea were. So it allows communication with ones soul... but isn't that the same as conversing with you Yawe? Minoru mentally asked his zanpakuto while he continued drinking the sake, the effects now beginning to kick in more so.

Minoru, while it is essentially the same thing, there are things your soul holds that even I do not know yet. Perhaps what Tazuma speaks of is these things in conjunction with communing with me? Yawe stated, her soft voice ringing melodically through Minoru's mind.

As Yawe spoke to him, Minoru watched as a large white wolf materialized in-front of Amelia, the wolf had nine tails, and sparks of lightning emitted from its body. After seeing it, Minoru assumed that this wolf was Amelia zanpakuto spirit. Minoru's assumption was proved correct when he heard the wolf speak to Amelia before speaking to Tazuma and asking for a drink of his tea. As Tazuma took to retrieving a bowl of tea for Amelia's zanpakuto spirit, Minoru was hearing that older feminine voice again, but this time Yawe had heard it as well.

Suddenly Minoru heard Yawe gasp in his mind before she nearly yelled at him, Minoru... after hearing that voice, I had a thought... what if it has too do with your forgotten life as a human? As Yawe spoke, Minoru's face would visibly shift into one of deep concentration, his grip on the saucer of sake would tighten. Perhaps Yawe... but why would things like that pop up now?

As Minoru and Yawe conversed in his mind, Minoru didn't notice as Zeipher was slapped in the back of his head by his zanpakuto, nor did he notice that a armored man suddenly appeared holding the zanpakuto. It wasn't until this armored man spoke that Minoru's attention was drawn to him, the spirits voice carried the disappointment it spoke of. The spirit of Cheolpa sat on the table watching Zeipher and told him to rise, after which Tazuma greeted the spirit. Minoru heard Amelia's zanpakuto in the background as he quipped that Zeipher was a fool, to which Minoru was tempted to argue against, but at the same time felt he agreed.

Minoru more or less ignored the bickering that ensued soon after, until Tazuma began to lead the others elsewhere. Minoru stood from his seat and wobbled slightly and felt his weight suddenly caught by a thin frame. Looking to his right Minoru saw the blonde angelic form of his zanpakuto spirit, Yawe? Minoru mumbled as the two began to walk forward following the others.

As the pair would catch up to the others, Minrou would see Amelia and her zanpakuto spirit within the training circle. He watched as the two fought for a few moments before the spirit called a break. It seems the wolf can push that Amelia girl to her limits quite quickly. Yawe's melodic voice called out. "While thats true, she still managed to match all his movements." Minoru answered Yawe.

Minoru then felt the support of Yawe's shoulder vanish as she stepped forward into the training ring and waved her arm at him, calling him into the ring. Come Minoru, we have work to do as well. Yawe simply stated as the Guan Doa form of her shikai appeared in her hand, her large pure white wings lifting her into the air as the wind took hold of her long hair blowing it behind her. "Well who better to learn from than my own zanpakuto, right Sensei?" Minoru looked towards Tazuma before nodding, afterwhich he vanished using shunpo. Minoru re-appeared in the air ten feet infront of Yawe, his sealed zanpakuto drawn already.

"Well shall we Yawe?" Minoru challenged as his zanpakuto shifted into shikai without a word, his reiatsu billowing out from his form causing the winds in the area to pick up. Both Yawe and Minoru then vanished before a clash of blades could be heard just moments later, a large gale of sharp wind emitting from the clash. Again in a spot thirty feet in the air another clash occurred, blasting another gale of bladed wind around the area. Come Minoru, you must do better than this! Yawe's voice could be heard calling out slightly enraged. While the two could barely be seen currently, their voice's carried over the winds. Minoru's reply to Yawe would reach the others below soon after Yawe's own voice would, "I'm don't take me lightly Yawe! Another blast of wind erupted as the two appeared on the ground at the furthest edge of the training ring, their blades crossed, and wind tearing around the two. Both Minoru's and Yawe's eyes were locked on each other as Minoru began channeling reiatsu into the blade of his zanpakuto, Yawe repeating the action.

[ooc: Sorry about the late post guys, been busy with family lately.]


Eclair listened to Tazuma and laughed
"You don't know this girl very well do you. She's got what I call 'Hunters Rage'. She's one of those type who, while loosing their temper, become more focused, at least half of the time. She begins watching her prey more and begins figuring out ways around their moves. Other times she just throws a temper tantrum, like the little kid she still is and wants be be" he said

Amelia said nothing, as she wasn't sure if Eclair was complimenting her or insulting her


Cheolpa stood up grabbing the sword from the table as he nodded and bowed towards Tazuma. Grabbing the back of the shirt of Gust, he picked him up, holding him outwards as blood dripped from gusts nose. Cheolpa took two steps before shunpo'ing away from the table, throwing Gust and The blade near each other. Putting his fist out in the air a trident slowly formed in the hands of cheolpa as he spun around, pointing the blade at Gust. "Now that we got some privacy for a little bit, let's say we get some work done? As he said that, Cheolpa stabbed into the ground, causing a fissure to erupt between the two men, with water blasting up out to the sky with each cracks. Gust was still out of it from hitting the table earlier. "Wha..Wha are you doing?" Gust slowly stood up from the landing, not even releasing his sword as he steps back and shunpo's around the area, trying to avoid the cracks of the fissure caused by Cheolpa. The spirit was spinning his trident as he ran towards Gust. "You're going to have to release if you are going to want to beat me!"


As everyone else is busy sparring with their spirits I can feel something it is calling to me from behind the door that I can only open when it is needed to be. I,turn and slowly walk,to the door. I place my hand against the invisible wall barring the door. Several circles appear and spin opening up like a lock"i,guess it is time them." I say softly to myself as I enter the room I closed off after burying my family. Walking into the room I,hear a familiar voice speak to meTazuma,my son look at you. You,have grow into a powerful man. I am proud to call you my son.
I turn quickly to see my father koshi in spirit form before me"fa...father is that you?" I say i astonishmentit is son. We all are here now. You and your students called us. as soon as Koshi said all of us my entire slain family appeared in spirit form.we have judged you worthy of our greatest and most secret gift son but you must accept it and it will not be enjoyable to attain. Will you accept it? looking at my father for the first,time in years I reply"i will father."

The other members of the order come to my father as he opens his right hand. Each whisper something and as they do red energy forms in his hand finally he walks to me and places his left hand over my heart and then he palm thrusts the red energy ball into my midsection.Be strong son. he whispers to me as the rush of reiatsu floods my body. Koshi-sama's left hand burns red as well making a strange red hand symbol on my chest. My veins pop out of my skin from the massive surge. I fall flat on my back arching my body from the pain. My eyes project a red light as I let out a scream of true pain. Within my mind strange images play out showing me a past not mine.

Red arcs of energy rush over my skin as the pain continues to grow. I roll over to my hands and knees. Crawling to the wall I begin to lash out striking the hard stone with my fists creating dents as I punch. My hands grow bloody from the impacts. Slowly I start to hear it...the chanting. My family was chanting for me to remain in myself and not accept death. As the chanting continues I two voices overlapping and completing each other sentinces. one was my father but the other was a womans. It took me a moment to figure out that her voice was my zanpacto spirit's. They told me I was now a true red monk. that I am to bestow this gift to three others and to use the power within to protect this temple and the innocent of the worlds. They both asked at the same time If I accepted. Once again I scream out from the influx of power but this time it was a word,that word was yes.


Gust pulled out his blade, tossing the sheath to the side as he ran towards Cheolpa. Holding the blade to his right side, Gust spoke with a low tone of voice. "Rain, Cheolpa." His blade glew a light blue as it changed it's shape to a trident, dripping fully with water. Seeing his power release, Cheolpa changed his eyes from a light blue to a bright orange as he rolled his head around his neck. Colliding their tridents together, Gust and Cheopla stood there pressing against one another as the sound of metal and water runs throughout the area. Pushing off of eachother, Gust drew water at his base as 4 tridents slowly formed from the water. Floating around him, Gust looked over at Cheopla with a slight smirk on his face. "seems like this move is getting pretty good." Cheolpa started to laugh frantically as he drew the same line of water that Gust had done a few seconds ago. But instead of 4 tridents, 40 tridents came out of the water. Gust's jaw dropped as he looked around at the floating tridents. "you have a lot of work to do Gust. A lot."


Amelia and Eclair looked around the training field. The two didn't mind fighting each other but they preferred to work together, as that was more towards their advantage and it was more enjoyable for the two of them. so when the two spotted Gust and Cheolpa and saw them use water they smiled at each other before releasing their shikai. Eclair took on the appearance of a man in his early 20's in medieval hunting gear. They raise raised their bows and fired shots at Gust and Cheolpa, Amelia aiming for Gust and Eclair at Cheolpa. See as their shots were lightning bolts getting hit by them would sting


As the energy flowed through me it felt as if I was going to explode. Forcing myself to stand I feel a rush of strength like none I,have felt before. I slam my hand againdt tye hard stone tables causing dents to form. I can see my father coming closer to me another reiatsu ball prepared in hand. The chants grow louder and faster. He thrusts the second ball into my mid section. Another explosion of reiatsu hits my being as I let loose another scream of pain and power deep,within my voice.

Hitting the ground again from the reiatsu hitting my systems I arc hard this time as bright red reiatsu coats my,frame. My,eyes and mouth project red light and I convulse upon the floor


Cheopla and Gust stop as the lightening bolt shots entered their bodies, causing them to wince at the pain, as their muscles tighten up. Looking around the area, they spotted Amelia and her spirit with their bows in the air. Placing a emotionless look on his face, Gust focused on Amelia as Cheolpa focused on her spirit. Screams could be heard throughout the forest as They echoed into the eardrums of Zeipher. "wha, What?" Cheolpa's eyes turned from the bright orange to the snow white shade. " a sneak attack? Pffft, No honor." Cheolpa stabbed multiple water tridents in the ground to serve as a trap for the lightning around the whole area. As cheolpa done that, Gust shunpo'd 7 feet behind Amelia and her sprit, Placing another 2 tridents in the ground behind them, connecting all the tridents in the area with a stream of water, this stream would go between the legs of both Amelia and the spirit. Jumping up in the air, Gust grabbed the remaining two tridents, throwing them at the girl and spirit.

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